One of my favorite parts of my job is photographing seniors! Especially seniors like Holley. A few years ago, I photographed her older brother’s senior pics, so I was thrilled when the called and it was time for Holley’s session. Holley is super smart, very involved in school, and a sweetheart to boot. We did her first session at her family’s farm and the second half in downtown Tulsa. Btw, this ranch/farm is now available to Andrea Murphy Photography clients for shoots! yay!!!tulsa senior pictures 1Totally my favorite!! Aren’t her eyes amazing?!tulsa senior pictures 2tulsa senior pictures 3tulsa senior pictures 4tulsa senior pictures 5

Andrea Murphy

Since 2008, I've been photographing people of all ages, shapes, and sizes in need of high-end, timeless, fun, fresh lifestyle photography and portraiture for families, newborns, and seniors. Book your session today!

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