I really love this couple. They’re ridiculously cute!! I mean look at them! In fact at one point during their session when I was gushing about how cute they were Amanda’s mom said “I know!! Aren’t I going to have cute grandbabies???” haha! When Amanda approached me about a session at her parent’s farm in Claremore, I was all over that! Anytime I can do something a little out of the box I’m thrilled! Amanda and Adam are planning a Victorian style wedding at the farm in September. And I for one, am already planning out every picture! 🙂blog1blog3Golden delicious light. I may have gotten a bit carried away with the sun flare and back lighting on this session. blog4This picture was taken very shortly before I bit it and basically fell into a creek. I tried my darndest to pull in Adam after me but he just wasn’t having it. I like to think I can be a country girl, but wearing flip flops to a farm probably proves that I’m not that person. I skinned and bruised the crap out of my leg but I was pretty proud of it! Am I the only freak that wears an injury like a badge of honor? Yes? Oh. Well then nevermind. ***Confession: I’m a bit clumsy. I fell down 9 times the night of my senior prom. Yep. 9 times. I’m not talking about tripping, I’m talking about falling like a tree in various restaurants, bowling alleys, ballrooms, and homes. (no I wasn’t drinking) I don’t embarrass easily, and I recommend folks laughing their butts off when I do fall. It makes it less awkward. Confession over.***blog5I just wanted to give a little tip real quick (Sorry Mom, I mean “really quickly”). When I get asked, with every session, “What should we wear” My response is always “You don’t have to be matchy matchy but you want to stay in the same tonal ranges. Keep your darks with darks and your lights with lights” I think that can get a bit confusing though. This outfit/s that Amanda and Adam are wearing is the PERFECT example of keeping in the same tonal range. If you’re the type that isn’t into the matching outfit thing (some aren’t) just follow those guidelines. It makes for a much better pic!blog6

Are you kidding me with this hottness?! Look at those eyes on that girl! Such a beauty!

Andrea Murphy

Since 2008, I've been photographing people of all ages, shapes, and sizes in need of high-end, timeless, fun, fresh lifestyle photography and portraiture for families, newborns, and seniors. Book your session today!

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