Ya know how I love my clients? Well I really love Kat! This girl is such a doll!! She’s fun to be around, she’s bubbly and sweet, and she’s in love with a boy. A boy who is the PERFECT man for her! Graham is the kind of guy that is sweet and smart and a little silly (in a good way). And he blushes when you give him a compliment! 😉 Kat and Graham met in college in Arkansas. The crazy thing is that they grew up just a few miles apart and even graduated the same year. Isn’t it crazy how God arranged for them to meet in college and not in their home town?! I’m always amazed when I think of things like that.
I had such a fabulous time getting to shoot this engagement session. Being around this couple is like being around a couple of old friends. We just click! And listen to how sweet this is! Kat knew it was my anniversary the day we were shooting her session so they brought me flowers!! Aren’t my clients just the greatest?! Talk about warm fuzzies! 🙂blog1blog2blog3I really love good props! Kat brought Jane Austen for herself (English Major) and she found an old Engineering Text book for Graham. blog4blog5

Andrea Murphy

Since 2008, I've been photographing people of all ages, shapes, and sizes in need of high-end, timeless, fun, fresh lifestyle photography and portraiture for families, newborns, and seniors. Book your session today!

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