Nola, my daughter, is 1 year old today. 1 year old. How did that happen?! Everyone told me it would fly by, but I just had no idea how quickly it would fly. I feel so many things today, and I wanted to write a bit of it down, and share some pictures I’ve been sitting on for long while.
(Image courtesy Photographic Designs)
I feel blessed. God gave me this incredible little human to take care of. I know I’m biased, but she’s nearly perfect. She sleeps like champ, and has her whole life. She’s thankfully very healthy. She’s sweet as pie (with the tiny little issue of being terrified of all men except her daddy. We’re working on it. Suggestions are welcome!). And she’s just funny and fun to be around! She’s just the greatest little person I’ve ever known!
I feel sentimental. I’ve always enjoyed Nola getting older and think she just gets more and more fun and exciting to be around. But a little bit of me misses that tiny baby. Today, I saw a wee little baby asleep on his mom’s shoulder and it made my arms ache just tiny bit for those days. I don’t want time to stand still or for her to always be little – I’m excited for the future. But it does make me miss those days a little.
I feel knowledgeable. I don’t know everything, I’m still such a rookie, but I’ve learned so much this year. I’ve gone from sending Facebook messages to people at 6:00am crying out for help and sympathy to being able to actually help people. My mom reminded me a few months ago that God uses the things we go through to be able to help others. My experiences have made me sympathetic to others and taught me that sometimes people just need a hug and need you to say “I’m so sorry that’s happened and that you’re having a hard time”. I think most time that reaches far beyond most advice. I also have learned so much more about the heart of God and its given me a better understanding of His love for me.
I feel proud. Dude. My kid is sooo smart and sooo cute. (my blog. my right to brag.) Not sure where she got all of that. Pretty sure it’s from Paddycakes.
(Image courtesy Artworks Tulsa Photography)
I feel thankful. I’m thankful for a baby that has been pure joy for the full 365 days. I’m thankful for a new love in my heart that I’ve never experienced before. I’m thankful for a wonderful family who have supported Paddycakes and me so much this year. I’m thankful for experienced mama friends and friends that aren’t parents but have been patient with me while I learned to adjust to this new life. And I’m thankful for my incredible husband. You can try boys, but you just don’t compare to how great he is. I love him so much more now that we have Nola.
I won’t continue to rattle on, but I could. I tried really hard to do pictures every month, and unfortunately I missed months 9 and 11. Rotavirus and wedding season got in the way. And month 10 was shot on film. And 1 year pictures are next month in Kansas City with an amazing photographer. But you can get the general idea with these. 🙂
Happy birthday sweet baby.

Since 2008, I've been photographing people of all ages, shapes, and sizes in need of high-end, timeless, fun, fresh lifestyle photography and portraiture for families, newborns, and seniors. Book your session today!
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